Sunday, July 19, 2015

Summer Break is Over Already!

Tomorrow I head out of town with 11 other teachers for a training that will last all week, so even though I OFFICIALLY am not back at work until the 30th, it really feels like my summer is over now.

I am looking forward to this training, called Laying the Foundation by the NMSI institute, as others who went last year found it greatly beneficial, and I often find a training like this gets my brain going for the new school year with fresh ideas and plans to put into place. Not that I don't have a lot of new things in place already that I am excited to see how it helps my students, but I can always find something new to intrigue me from the ideas and experience of others.

So sometime between this Saturday, and Wednesday the 29th I have to get in my room and set things up, touch up paint, clean out the supplies boxes and decorate. Maybe make a few copies in the meantime too.

The big plus for me is that most of my calendar and links for resources and assignments is already on our district Moodle Web page. I have been using Moodle for several years now, and it is such a time saver to have these items up ready to use. All I have been doing this summer is tweaking the order, updating a few worksheets, and adding more images and pictures to make it attractive and eye-catching for the students.

The main thing I have to work on this coming weekend is making a couple of new videos that I do not have yet, for my flipped classroom. I made several new ones last year, and I think this year I may actually get to the point where I do have one 10-15 minute video for each week of the year, except testing weeks! That is such a blessing and I am excited to be at this point in my goal of flipping my classroom content from lectures to videos.

Well, I need to finish packing,

Until next time
