Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Another Year Completed... still I want to try to blog more in future...easy to say, harder to do.

This summer I am reflecting on how well I integrate technology into my classroom lessons, and ways I can do more or better lessons that use technology than ever before. I want to fully start using our BYOD concept to encourage students to stay engaged, and to take control of their learning. While several of my students this past year did submit assignments online using Moodle each week, it wasn't as large a percent as the previous year. Some of that may have been the fact I had two student teachers working in my room, basically the whole year I had an extra teacher in the room! How cool was that! But I gave control of the lessons over to them for a huge percentage of the school year, and that may have effected how well my students got used to the online part of the class.

So this summer I am reading first a book by Kipp Rogers (a Solution Tree conference purchase) about Bring Your Own Device to engage students and Transform Instruction. We shall see what nuggets I learn from the reading.

Until next time...