Sunday, March 16, 2014

More Technology Issues

I had been using Moodle last year for my storage of all my resources and had hoped to add Edmodo to see which the students used more or preferred. But the district switched us to Moodle 2.5 over the summer and that meant I had to take time to rebuild and upload all my lesson levels yet again this year. So I have one quarter left to go! and maybe next year I will see the benefits of having the course built and just having to tweak and add new ideas.

I am already considering making use of the lesson feature which has students read information on the Moodle site, then answer questions for credit. This could be a way of helping them progress independently that I would like to try? Also, I plan on no longer requiring students to turn in their folder for credit at quarters end, so I can expect them to upload more lessons and grade them on Moodle more so they can see their scores too.

Around Thanksgiving our district decided that Google site and all it's applications were a security issue that meant we lost google at school! except for the teacher computers with the web override so that meant I had to find a new site to store and link my videos too! Frustrations! So since then I have been uploading both to Vimeo and Google so students can choose which to use at home, but at school Vimeo is available for those who do their homework at school.

I hope nothing else changes in future to add to my workload on this!


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