Sunday, July 19, 2015

Summer Break is Over Already!

Tomorrow I head out of town with 11 other teachers for a training that will last all week, so even though I OFFICIALLY am not back at work until the 30th, it really feels like my summer is over now.

I am looking forward to this training, called Laying the Foundation by the NMSI institute, as others who went last year found it greatly beneficial, and I often find a training like this gets my brain going for the new school year with fresh ideas and plans to put into place. Not that I don't have a lot of new things in place already that I am excited to see how it helps my students, but I can always find something new to intrigue me from the ideas and experience of others.

So sometime between this Saturday, and Wednesday the 29th I have to get in my room and set things up, touch up paint, clean out the supplies boxes and decorate. Maybe make a few copies in the meantime too.

The big plus for me is that most of my calendar and links for resources and assignments is already on our district Moodle Web page. I have been using Moodle for several years now, and it is such a time saver to have these items up ready to use. All I have been doing this summer is tweaking the order, updating a few worksheets, and adding more images and pictures to make it attractive and eye-catching for the students.

The main thing I have to work on this coming weekend is making a couple of new videos that I do not have yet, for my flipped classroom. I made several new ones last year, and I think this year I may actually get to the point where I do have one 10-15 minute video for each week of the year, except testing weeks! That is such a blessing and I am excited to be at this point in my goal of flipping my classroom content from lectures to videos.

Well, I need to finish packing,

Until next time


Friday, June 12, 2015

Summer Vacation Week Three

Here I am at the end of my third week of vacation and I have truly had some success in relaxing and NOT worrying about school work at this point.

I spent the bulk of the second week on a trip to see some of my children and grandchildren and having fun with them. It always seems like there are too many months between visits, but until I retire I am limited by the school holiday schedule for long trips.

This week I got to meet my new principal and chat for half an hour with him, I am looking forward to the new year and seeing how his plan for our staff and students unfolds, but that is always a bit stressful to deal with a new boss.

I have also done a bit of school work, uploaded some more items to Teachers Pay Teachers, and a book I requested from Amazon arrived and I have started reading it. It is called Total Participation Techniques and is by a husband and wife team. They give a whole list of quick techniques to gauge how the students are understanding what they are learning, and at the same time most of them require ALL students to participate in the class as active learners.

As a teacher I recognize a lot of these already, some by different names, but I am already planning a goal of inserting at least one of these into every lesson for next year, if I don't already have something like this in the lesson. And I like the suggestion that you need to write the technique into the lesson plan, or you will probably forget to do it. Highlight or write them in red too to make them stand out. Some of the techniques that are recognizable to me are 'Thumbs up-Thumbs down", "Quick-Writes", "Think-Pair-Share" etc, but another tip in the book is to make a folder or envelope of prepared items such as a whiteboard with dry erase marker, cards that have answers typed on like (Still Thinking/ Ready to Share) that you can use for specific lessons. I am thinking I would like to do this for next year, to have a set of envelopes that are large enough to put my whiteboards in and get the other items printed off and laminated added also. I will need 32 that is the only thing that is going to take some money... unless I can put in a request with my secretary at school to add 32 super large manilla envelopes to the budget for this summer. Our district still hasn't released the new budget to our middle school for spending this summer yet!

I also just ordered myself a WACOM Intuous Pen and tablet set to help with my videos, so now when I record and want to underline a part of the presentation, or add something I can use a pen instead of the mouse for better control. At least that is my plan, wish me luck I am installing it today!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thoughts from the School Year 2014-15

Random Thoughts and Decisions to make...

I had another year of students needing more time to get a lesson completed than previous students had needed. I hope this isn't a growing trend!

I had to use a new curriculum sequence this year because my school district adopted fully Vail's Beyond Textbook wiki and curriculum for us. So yes, I did this year have something that added to my workload. I had to reorganize my whole Moodle website yet again because the BT sequence did not match the curriculum sequence I had on there. I and the rest of the Science department has submitted our preferred calendar of units for next year, with high hopes that our district does approve them and these calendars get uploaded to the BT wiki for us for next year. We had been told that we needed to give their calendar a try for one year, then we could upload our own if we found that to be better for our students. I really hope that promise is kept. 

I have helped write many formative assessments of the POs (performance objectives) we teach, and I have used them throughout the year to gauge my students' learning of the new concepts. This year I made them have a point value, granted only 10 points, but still, they counted for a grade. I wonder if I should change this for future years? Or if I can make students do a retake, until they achieve a passing score of 70 or 80%?

The notebooks went well this year in general. Many students did a superb job on their pages each week, and took pride in keeping their notebooks looking professional. I had students using a composition notebook all this year. I wonder if I should instead use spiral 5 subject or 3 subject notebooks next year. The loss would be that hard covering on the composition notebooks, the gain would be students could remove pages from the back section to use for making some of the foldables. If they only used a section for each quarter, that 5th subject section would be available for removing pages without messing up the actual notebook. The 8th grade Math students for the teacher I have been learning from used this type of notebooks this year, and it went really well for her. So I am wondering if I should change too?

I have a really out of date classroom for a science teacher. We have only one working sink in the room. I have discussed with my curriculum department about working with a local company to get the room updated but I am not sure that is really going to happen within this school year if at all so I need some improvisation tactics to make things smoother next year on Lab days. My idea is to use the 8 buckets I already own, and each lab day, fill with some warm soapy water and have both a handtowel and dish drying cloth at each table, maybe on the floor. Students can then wash and dry their equipment and glassware at the table, AND wash and dry their hands without the never ending line at the sink. I already have purchased the towels, I will need a good supply of dishwasing detergent though if I am going to use it both for dishes and hand washing each hour. But I think this will work to smooth the lab days.

My students get a hands on lab, or some kind of hands on activity, or a computer simulation day every week. Yet they still want more... that is the message I got again, loud and clear from their reflective letters to me at the end of the year. They love when a lab takes several days to complete, like the Egg Osmosis Lab from 1st quarter this year. I need to build more lab days into the week, or even more demos by me up front would please them. They really wish that we studied Chemistry in 7th grade, but we don't. So I have to dream up more Astronomy, Geology, and Ecology labs to excite them, at the same time as they are learning the concepts and standards for 7th grade.

I am also looking for some power point backgrounds that move, or animate for me to build my power points on. I am not sure if I will find free options online, or if I need to spend some money on this... my pastor at church uses something like what I want for his sermon outlines... I need to ask him about them.

Okay, that is enough for this blog entry... I am sure I will have some more ideas though.


Summer Vacation Week One

Well, my first week of summer has been focused on organizing school papers into binders, uploading some files to TPT for sale, working on my Moodle website to get ready for next year... why?

I wonder if all teachers have this denial phase at the start of summer, in which they just can't stop working on school things?

I persuaded my husband that at the very least we had to take one day to do something fun, and he agreed. He works from home, and often 7 days a week puts in several hours of work each morning on his photography, so the only way to truly take a break for both of us is to leave the house!

We are heading up to Tucson tomorrow, hopefully to do a bit of shopping for fun, eat out a a unique restaurant, and visit Tucson's Botanical Gardens for a chance for some photography opportunities. So I lied, he will still be working a bit on this fun trip, but the truth is, he loves his photography.

Maybe next week I will truly take a complete break from school work...

Does my nose suddenly look a bit longer?


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Interactive Notebooks

Since December I have been trying to have my students create interactive pages in their science notebooks. I have not wanted to spend a lot of paper and copies on making them cool foldable or pre printed pages each week, so often have tried to design simpler foldables using the actual pages in their notebooks.

Some students have been doing wonderful jobs creating colorful, neatly done pages each week, taking obvious pride in their work. Others forget on a regular basis to even bring their notebooks to class each day, so make sloppy entries on loose lined paper, that they often lose before they can get them taped into their notebooks.

But this is year one, and I do feel that many students are trying harder to keep their notebooks looking wonderful, and they see the benefit of having those notes and information available to study from and to use on formative tests. So I will keep on 'keeping on' for the future.

I have plans to attend a training on notebooks next month, and a math teacher at school who has taken trainings in the past is going to keep a sample notebook from one of her students for me to use as an idea guide for next year! That I am excited about as she has been an encouragement this year sharing some of the things she has her 8th grade math students do each week in their notebooks.