Sunday, March 20, 2016

Quarter 4 Week One Review

As before, having a student teacher in my class to assist and slowly take over the teaching while I supervise is such an opportunity to share my teaching skills and to re-evaluate what I do and try to improve even more. So this week, my student teacher is taking over all the classes now, with me simply assisting and guiding, or sometimes co-teaching. I love it!

We have only 9 weeks left now, and two of those will be doozies as we have both our AZmerit testing this quarter, and our Sex Ed guest speakers coming in for a week in our science classes. Not a fan of this, but our principal is trying to make sure every student gets this and more students take science than P.E. so "C'est la vie!"

So we really are going to need to find the absolute BEST lessons to teach our Ecology standards to our students with to help them understand and succeed in this unit. I vote for the best hands on labs and activities I can find, and then make sure the students can analyze the data and results they gain, and make strong conclusions that match that data.

One lab I know I want to repeat is the Transfer of Energy lab using water teams to carry water leaky bucket by bucket down a chain of students!

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